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Susy Gómez

Plastic Artist (Pollença, 1965)

After studying Fine Arts and Fashion Design in Barcelona, Susy became known as an artist in 1993, with an individual exhibition in the Miró Foundation in Barcelona. Since then, her career has always been on the up. Her exhibitions, including La casa que hoy soy, Nuevos pies andan por mi jardín, With a kiss, Maldito corazón and El timón de mis almas, have been shown in galleries and museums all over the world, to great success.

Susy’s universe is full of a series of everyday elements – houses, necklaces, shoes, hearts, lips, cushions, flowers, boats, the female body – which are passed through the artist’s filter and are capable of making the spectators rethink aspects of their own lives, destiny, identity, the world of appearances and love.

The technical versatility of this native of Pollença, who paints, draws, makes videos and installations, sculpts and takes photographs, becomes a further element strengthening the message of her passionate, poetical and sensual work.

After starting her career in Barcelona, Susy Gómez went back to settle in Mallorca nine years ago.


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Bandera de Reino Unido
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